Friday, May 16, 2008

It is very hard for me to write a new blog entry.  I would like to keep the last entry up forever as a memorial to my Dad, but our family has come to realize, and more importantly hope, that Dad is truly and finally at Peace and that it is important to continuing living.  No matter how sad I am, my Dad would have kicked me in the butt and tell me to take care of my son, so that is what I'm doing!  Jim and Odin are the most important part of my life and especially now, I realize how to cherish every moment I am with them.  Often times I am so confused because I feel so much grief and sadness for my father, but so much joy with Jim and Odin.  I see Odin's smile and I can't help but wonder why my Dad was not able to see this miracle.  As I may not like the hand that fate dealt my family, I appreciate my father's love and compassion for his family and beliefs.  I can only hope that Odin inherits these qualities from my Dad.  Even though Odin doesn't understand what is happening around this sad time in my life,  he lights up my world each and every day.  He has learned to roll to get to where he wants to be.  He is moving like crazy now.  He is so smart.  He has figured out that, while lying on the floor playing, if he can't get to the toy of choice he pulls the blanket to bring the toy to him.
He is teething....(enough said).  But he does this thing where he sticks out his tongue ALL THE TIME!  I wish I could get a picture of him doing this because it is so cute!

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