Sunday, June 1, 2008

8 Months

Our little man turns 8 months old this week!  His teeth still haven't popped through yet.  He doesn't seem to be as fussy lately, so hopefully he isn't in much pain.  He isn't crawling yet, BUT he gets around pretty quickly.  He scoots, rolls, and anything else he can think of to get where he wants to go.  He is still in swim class and enjoying it so much.  The instructor says he is a natural. Auntie Michele got Odin a Red Sox hat that he wears everywhere.  He gets a lot of compliments on it. We went to our first family cookout, the Sonus Networks family cookout at Kimball's farm in Westford.  He got to do a lot of networking and elbow rubbing,  I think that he has lined up a summer internship (in 2025).  He is a little scared at first when he is in a crowded room, but once he figures out Mom and Dad are not leaving he is okay.  He is putting EVERYTHING in his mouth.  He likes the feel of grass and tries to put a handful in his mouth.  
He continues to do the 'fake cough'.  He does it more and more now.  I think he likes how it sounds.  It sounds so funny.  We are gearing up for summer here.  Odin loves to be outside!  If he is fussy, I can take him outside and he calms down.  I guess he definitely takes after both his Mom and Dad!

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