Monday, August 18, 2008

The Mad Potter

No, no, no....that is what Odin hears a lot these days.  Odin is in to absolutely everything!  Yesterday, he found the cabinet with all the pots and pans in it for the first time, got everything out and had a ball!  I can't believe how strong he is, it amazes everyday.  He pulled out a big stack of steel bowls and pans, which are pretty heavy.  He just swung them out of the cabinet like no big deal.  He has figured out that he can look out the windows in the living room and at Nana's house.  He was watching Daddy doing yard work the other day and thought it was fun.  He has this funny squeal when he gets excited.  I call him my little teradactyl.   When he sees his bottle, he squeals.  When he is playing with a toy he likes, he squeals.  It is very funny.  We are all done breastfeeding.  It was a little emotional for Mom to stop, but Odin seems to be doing just fine. His top two teeth are coming in.  The last two nights he has woken up screaming, but once I put some orajel on his gums he calms down.  His gums are HUGE!  It has been a long time coming for those top teeth to break the skin.  He is also an eating machine!  The other day we were at a cookout and he ate half of my pasta salad!  We have given him a little bit of fish to make sure he doesn't have a reaction and he LOVES it!  When he wants more food he just opens his mouth like saying 'feed me some more you dummy!'  I gave him a bowl of fruit baby food tonight for him to feed himself and this is what I got in return.... 

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