Thursday, September 4, 2008

Weighing my options least someone in the Garron household likes the scale!  Odin can entertain himself for a pretty long time with that thing.  Not sure what is so fun about it, but Odin gets a kick out of it!  Really, who needs to buy expensive toys?  I put some coins in a small tupperware container and he loves to shake it.  That is the first toy of choice in the morning time when Mommy still isn't quite awake yet!  Odin is just so much fun.  I know I keep saying that, but honestly, life with him just keeps getting better and better.  It fills my heart to see him discovering new things everyday and the new expressions on his face.  It will not be long before he is walking.  He took a step at Nana's house the other day and is becoming more confident around the house.  He is very steady on his feet.  He transitions from sitting to standing very well. 

He is still teething.  It looks like some other upper teeth are getting ready to come out.  He has been sleeping a little bit more than usual, but I think it is a combination of getting his teeth and becoming more mobile.  He takes two naps a day and is usually in bed by 6 or 6:30 pm for eleven or twelve hours.  (He takes after his Mama!!!!)   He is quite the babbler these days.  You can tell he tries to say certain words, sometimes he gets pretty close!  I can only imagine the stories he is going to make up when he can talk!

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