Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lasagna, Lasagna, Lasagna, I want more Lasagna!!!!!!

Where does the time go? I just realized it has been three weeks since we have written an update! You don't know the true meaning of the phrase "Time flies" until you have a child! Odin started a new swim class with a new teacher last week. She asked me how old he was and I replied he just turned a year. After a few minutes I realized it was November 4th and he was 13 months old! I have no idea where last month went, I feel like we just had his birthday party!
Odin is changing daily at this point it seems. Every time I look at him he seems to be bigger. Since we switched to completely drinking whole milk, he seems to have a bigger appetite. The child eats so much food! The other night I made an eggplant lasagna and he ate a whole big piece of lasagna! As you can see from the photo, he thoroughly enjoyed it! He has become very proficient in using his signs. He is so cute when he uses them. Sometimes when he gets a little frustrated he over emphasizes his signs, like saying "listen to me, this is what I want!!!" He can now (finally) say 'Mama'. Odin has always really liked books. Everyday he pulls off all his books from the book shelf and flips through them all, but he has been picking out The Tale of Two Tiggers to read everyday. He points out Tigger throughout the book. I think he might like a Tigger stuffed toy or something. Trying to figure out what Santa can bring him for Christmas is a little difficult!!!! Last weekend Odin spent the night at Nana's house with cousin Jessica. I think they had a fun time together. The next day Jessica came over for a quick visit while Uncle Ron helped Jim carrying a very large TV upstairs. Here they are flipping through some channels with the remote.

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