Saturday, December 20, 2008

O' Christmas Tree

Happy Holidays everyone! We hope everyone is having a joyful holiday season. We are getting into the spirit, especially now with so much snow on the ground! We are snowed in today and the snow keeps coming down! I don't think Odin is quite sure what to make of the snow or the Christmas tree. He does like to take ornaments off the tree though, and then he tries to put them back on! He hasn't really paid much attention to the gifts under the tree yet. Let's see, what has happened since I wrote last.... Odin has moved on to the 'bubble' in his swim class! I didn't grow up with the 'bubble' so I wasn't exactly sure how it works, but it allows him a little bit more freedom in the pool. He is starting to kick and doggie paddle more on his own, so he is doing pretty well. He now can give the dogs their treats. He really likes this and wants to keep giving them more. He enjoys playing with the dogs more now to. He throws their toys to them and gets excited when they go after them. He is constantly hugging, patting and kissing Gretta. Claudi still is getting used to Odin moving around so much.
Odin and I will be heading back to Ohio after Christmas. I'm a little nervous about flying with him alone. He is at that stage where he doesn't want to sit down, but hopefully we will manage.
If we don't talk to you all before next week, have a safe and happy holiday!

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