Sunday, January 11, 2009

We hope everyone had merry holidays and a happy New Year! Odin and I traveled home from Ohio on New Year's Eve, so needless to say, we were not awake to ring in the new year! Odin had a fun and wonderful holiday. He spent a lot of time with friends and family that we don't get to see very often. He learned many new bad habits from his cousins (!) and tried many new foods (thanks to Uncle Joe!). We are experiencing many changes to ring in the new year. Odin is starting day care, so we currently are in the transition phase and trying to change to his new schedule. We found a day care in Rockport that we like. Odin knows a set of twins that are in his class, which is great. I went with him the first two days to get him used to being there. On the second day I left for about 3 hours and picked him up after lunch. The teacher said he did really well. I really like the women in his room. Most of the ladies that work there have their own children enrolled in other rooms, so it is comforting to know that there is a family atmosphere there. He already has a little girlfriend, just after two days!!!! (Boy are we in for some trouble!!!) I'm going to update his picasa picture page with some recent photos from over the holidays so check them out!

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