Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Okay, Okay I know I'm a slacker! Odin has been keeping me on my toes so I don't have much free time between work, school, dogs, Odin and Jim, cleaning, etc... From here on out, I do promise to update Odin's blog a little more frequently:) I can't even explain how much Odin has changed over the last few months. He is talking up a storm. Especially over the last few weeks, Odin's speech has really taken off. He is starting to repeat things and say everything. It is so much fun to watch him grow. We have had a fun packed month. We have visited the Aquarium, participated in Fiesta and had a great 4th of July with many parades and bonfires! Odin really likes squeeky fire-crackers, didn't scare him one bit. He is really into trains, trucks and Elmo now. I'm trying to figure out what to get him for his birthday (it is around the corner, which I can't believe!). He really likes to watch Seaseme Street in the mornings before we go to Day Care. He seems to really enjoy Day Care. He has made so many friends and they get to go to the beach every week (if the weather cooperates that is!). I have attached a few recent pictures.
Happy Summer!

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