Sunday, July 25, 2010

Typical Night at the Garron's

It is 12:30am and I'm getting ready to head to bed. The dogs are stirring and their full attention is out the window, so I think there is something outside so I decide not to let them out. Jim should be getting home in a little bit from his night cruise, so I leave a note for him to let the dogs out when he gets home. I go up to bed and Jim gets home literally a minute later. The smell hits me first...the very pungent smell of skunk, then I hear craziness down stairs. I rush down stairs to see two dogs sprayed by a skunk in the face! Claudi got it right in the think she would learn by now. Jim is getting them into the tub while I rush to the refrigerator to gather all the cans of V8 juice I have (the only tomato based product in the house). We continue with a V8 bath of both dogs that can barely fit in the tub, Gretta freaks out, run between my legs turning my white pajamas orange, shaking, covering the bathroom in V8 juice/water mixture. The scene looks like a cartoon, I'm sure! We finish with bath, get the dogs corralled in the kitchen for the night and go to bed. About an hour later, I hear little foot steps rush into our room and a little body climbing over me into our bed. However, I notice a strong skunk smell from Odin! I realize that the scene of the crime occurred right under Odin rooms and the smell has overtaken Odin's room and the stench is outrageous. Odin stirs for about 2 hours, finally falling asleep around 4am. Just as Odin falls asleep we hear this insistent beeping, the battery of the fire alarm is going out (which always occurs in the middle of the night at our house!). Jim gets out of bed to fix that problem and I think we all are finally asleep by 4:30am! We wake up at 9:30 to a still skunk stinky house. Bathtime #2 coming up.

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