Monday, April 21, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

Hi All!  Sorry I haven't been able to post in a while, we have been a little busy.  I was at a conference for work last week and I just got home yesterday.  I think Jim was very happy to see me get home!  My conference was in Providence, RI so Jim was able to bring Odin down to see me for one night, but when he got back home Odin was not feeling well.  He is stuffed up and has a little bit of a cough.  So he has been a little cranky.  
He has been going to swim class every week and is still doing great.  Jim is having a lot of fun with him at class.  We all leave for Florida next Wednesday.  I'm going down to Sarasota for work.  I'm going down to participate in a dolphin health assessment project at Mote Marine Lab. Jim and Odin are coming down since my trip is for 10 days.  I'm a little anxious about planning, making sure we have everything and see how Odin will do traveling.  Hopefully all will go well.  
Write more later.

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