Monday, June 23, 2008

Peek A Boo

Peek A Boo...Odin is getting more and more adventurous.  He is starting to pull him self up on things like the coffee table and opening cabinets.  He is also getting more vocal, putting sounds together.  I think he tries to say dog and Gretta.  He had a great week, has been very happy and giggly.  He went to his first birthday party on Sunday.  Our neighbor Nicole turned 3 on Sunday.  She absolutely LOVEs 'Baby Odin'.  She loves to play with him and wants to read to him, it is very cute.  Her party was Princess theme.  I will have to Odin when he gets older that he went to a princess party!!!  He even got to ride in a pink car around the yard, which he loved.  
Still no teeth.  We have been trying different foods; noodles, cheese and toasts.  He doesn't want to feed himself if I put small pieces on his high chair tray.  He waits until I put it in his mouth.  (Stubborn Garron!!!)
I got a picture of my Dad blown up to put in Odin's room.  I just got it today and I put it in a frame and showed Odin.  He smiled so big at Papa Mick's picture.  I carried him and the picture up to his room and he stared at Dad's picture the whole time until we placed it on his dresser that overlooks his bed.  I had a heavy heart, but a proud one too.  Odin knows who his Papa is.

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